The Forest Hills Central High School Rowing Team was established in 1995. Averaging 80 - 100 rowers per season, the co-ed team represents the largest athletic program at Forest Hills Central High School. With an impressive historical list of accomplishments, and with many of our rowers going on to compete at the collegiate level, the team has earned a reputation as one of the top high school rowing programs in the state.
The team is open to any student with a sincere interest in learning competitive rowing. Rowing is a no-cut sport at Forest Hills Central High School. Our goal is simple: To provide a competitive, supportive, and fulfilling rowing experience for everyone on our team. The FHC Rowing Team is a tight-knit group of individuals who learn the power of teamwork and build a large network of friends they will enjoy for years after they graduate.
Students must register and pay a fee to participate on the team. Fees are used to help fund:
The team's operational budget
Team uniforms
Regatta entrance fees
Food for rowers and coaches during regattas
Gas for launches
Coaching stipends
The FHC Crew Team is supported by the FHC Crew Boosters which raises funds and seeks sponsorship throughout the year to help offset costs not covered by participation fees.
The team practices at the Forest Hills Boathouse which is shared by all three Forest Hills High School Rowing Teams (including FHE and FHN).

Our team participates in competition in both the Fall and Spring. These races, pit the Forest Hills Central Team against rowing teams from other schools and, in some cases, other states. We also work as a team during the Winter and Summer on conditioning and development.​​
Fall Club Racing Season
During our Fall season we participate primarily in local regattas. Our Fall season is a great opportunity for returning athletes to maintain their conditioning and gain valuable rowing and racing experience. For new Novice rowers, it is a chance to get a jump on entering our sport to prepare for what is ahead with winter conditioning and the Spring season. In general, practice starts a bit after school starts, and goes through the end of October. Regattas are generally scheduled in October before the weather is too cold.

Winter Conditioning
There is a break from activities through November and December. In January, the team begins winter conditioning at the high school. Athletes work out on ergometers (erg for short). These machines were designed to provide a good simulation of the rowing stroke and a useful, comparable measure of the work being done. During winter conditioning, our athletes also lift weights, run, and stretch to prepare for the Spring season. This program will continue through March when the boat house is opened for Spring season. We host an indoor race called the Spring Sprints every March where conditioning pays off in our 2K scores.
Spring Competitive Rowing Season
Spring is the official high school competitive sports season, holding the championship races; states, midwest and nationals. Athletes compete in spring races on a 1500-2000m straight course head to head with other boats which typically last 6-8 minutes. We host the Grand Rapids Invitational Regatta in late April and travel to compete in cities in Michigan like Milford and Orchard Lake, and end the season in St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada. Regattas are generally every weekend in late April through May. Because rowers are usually traveling during PROM, the team hosts an annual CROM event to provide upperclassman rowers an alternative milestone social experience. The season ends in early June as the school year wraps up and is marked with the annual team banquet.

Summer Development
Right after school ends the program runs two one-week learn to row camps oriented to athletes that have finished grades 6 through 9. After the camps are completed, through the summer there is generally an open boat house schedule where athletes who have rowed previously are invited to continue their development over the summer months.
Curious about our schedule? Checkout upcoming events.
Ready to Register? Registration.
New to the sport? Learn more in Rowing 101.
If you have questions or would like to speak with Coach Ross about joining the team, please contact us. ​​